Spell-check form entries

You can spell-check the text you typed in note comments and form fields. If you want to check the spelling in a comment, first open the comment window.

You cannot check the spelling of text in the underlying Adobe PDF document.

Correct a misspelling

 Right-click/Control-click the word in the form field or comment window, and then choose the correct word from the list of alternatives.

Spell-check entries and comments

  1. Choose Edit > Check Spelling > In Comments And Form Fields. If the PDF document is open in a web browser, make sure that the Edit toolbar is open, and click the Spell Check button .
  2. Click Start to begin the spell check. When a word that may be misspelled is found, it appears under Word Not Found. Suggested corrections appear under Suggestions.
  3. If a possibly misspelled word appears under Word Not Found, do any of the following:
    • Edit the unrecognized word by typing. To undo your change, click Undo Edit. To accept your change, click Change. To change all instances of the unrecognized word, click Change All.

    • Select the correct version of the unrecognized word from the Suggested Corrections section and click Change. Or, simply double-click the correct version of the word. To change all instances of the word to the selected correct version, click Change All.

    • Click Ignore if you don’t want to change the word and want to continue with the check.

    • Click Ignore All to ignore every instance of the word. Click Add if you want to add the word to your personal dictionary.

  4. After you make a selection in step 3, the next unrecognized word (if any) is highlighted; repeat step 3 until the Restart button appears.
  5. Click Done.

Specify a dictionary

  1. Choose Edit > Check Spelling > Edit Dictionary.
  2. Choose the language dictionary you want to use from the Dictionary menu, and then click Done.