The Preferences dialog box defines a default page layout and customizes your application in many other ways. To modify preferences, choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Reader > Preferences (Mac OS), and select the panel you want under Categories. For viewing PDFs, examine the preferences options for Documents, General, Multimedia, and Page Display.
The preference settings control how the application behaves whenever you use it; they are not associated with any particular PDF document.
Creates multiple Reader windows rather than opening multiple PDFs in one instance of Reader.
Determines whether documents open automatically to the last viewed page within a work session.
Closes the current document and opens the document being linked to in the same window, minimizing the number of windows open. If the document being linked to is already open in another window, the current document is not closed when you click a link to the open document. If you do not select this option, a new window opens each time you click a link to a different document.
Allows the author of a layered PDF document to specify layer visibility based on user information.
Sets the maximum number of documents listed in the File menu (Windows) or when you choose File > Open Recent File (Mac OS). The default is five for Windows and nine for Mac OS.
Determines how often Acrobat automatically saves changes to an open document.
Restructures a PDF document for page-at-a-time downloading from web servers.
Examines the PDF for items that may not be apparent, such as metadata, file attachments, comments, and hidden text and layers. The examination results appear in a dialog box, and you can remove any type of item that appears there.
(Not selected by default.)
(Not selected by default.)
Specifies whether or not the display is limited to a single PDF.
Sets the page view to the maximum screen coverage by a single page.
Displays a message before going into Full Screen mode. Selecting this option overrides a previous selection of Do Not Show This Message Again in that message.
Specifies the monitor on which full-screen display appears (for users with multiple-monitor configurations).
Lets you exit Full Screen mode by pressing the Esc key. If this option is not selected, you can exit by pressing Ctrl+L/Command+L.
Shows a minimal navigation toolbar regardless of the document settings.
Lets you page through an Adobe PDF document by clicking the mouse. You can also page through a document by pressing Return, Shift-Return (to go backward), or the arrow keys.
Lets you page through a PDF document continuously, returning to the first page after the last. This option is typically used for setting up kiosk displays.
Specifies whether to advance automatically from page to page every set number of seconds. You can page through a document using mouse or keyboard commands even if automatic paging is selected.
Specifies the window’s background color in Full Screen mode. If you choose Custom, you can select a color from the system color palette.
Specifies whether to show or hide the pointer when Full Screen mode is in operation.
Removes transition effects from presentations that you view in Full Screen mode.
Specifies the transition effect to display when you switch pages in Full Screen mode and no transition effect has been set for the document.
Determines the flow of the selected default transition on the screen, such as Down, Left, Horizontally, and so forth. The available options vary according to the transition. If no directional options affect the selected default transition, this option is not available.
Mimics the user’s progress through the presentation, such as transitioning from top to bottom when the user proceeds to the next page and from bottom to top when the user backtracks to the previous page. Available only for transitions with directional options.
Enables you to select tools with a single keystroke. This is off by default.
Specifies whether web links that weren’t created with Acrobat are automatically identified in the PDF document and become clickable links.
Enables the Hand tool to function as the Select tool when it hovers over text in an Adobe PDF.
Changes the appearance of the Hand tool pointer when over an article thread. Upon the first click, the article zooms to fill the document pane horizontally; subsequent clicks follow the thread of the article.
Changes the action of the mouse wheel from scrolling to zooming.
Changes the order in which the Hand tool selects.
Sets the resolution used to copy an image captured with the Snapshot tool.
Disables warning boxes that would normally appear when you delete items such as links, pages, page thumbnails, and bookmarks.
Restores default settings for warnings.
Controls the print preview display in the Print dialog box. Deselecting this option speeds up the preview.
Enables PostScript XObjects in the PDF file to be emitted when that PDF file is printed to PostScript printer.
Determines whether the application splash screen appears each time the application starts.
Ensures that only Adobe-certified third-party plug-ins are loaded.
Sets the page layout used for scrolling when you first open a document.
Sets the magnification level for PDF documents when they are first opened. This value overrides document settings.
Uses the system settings for monitor resolution.
Sets the monitor resolution.
Specifies the kind of text-smoothing to apply: None, For Monitor, or For Laptop/LCD.
Applies smoothing to remove abrupt angles in lines.
Applies smoothing to minimize abrupt changes in images.
Specifies whether the application uses or ignores local fonts installed on your system. When deselected, substitute fonts are used for any font not embedded in the PDF. If a font cannot be substituted, the text appears as bullets and an error message appears.
Places the next page in a buffer before the current page is viewed to reduce the time required to page through a document.
Displays large images. If your system is slow to display image-intensive pages, you can deselect this option.
Displays any art, trim, or bleed boxes defined for a document.
Displays the grid behind transparent objects.
Enables the Number Pages command for matching the position of the page in the PDF to the number printed on the page. A page number, followed by the page position in parentheses, appears in the Page Navigation toolbar and in the Go To Page and Print dialog boxes—for example, i (1 of 1) if the printed number of the first page is i. If this option is not selected, pages are numbered with arabic numbers starting at 1. Selecting this option helps prevent unexpected behavior when clicking Back or Go Back in your web browser.
Displays the page measurements beside the horizontal scroll bar.
When deselected, turns off animation effects, which improves performance.
When deselected, turns off animation effects, which improves performance.