Comment and markup tools



Sticky Note tool

Add a sticky note comment

Text Edits tool

Create comments that indicate that text in a PDF should be inserted, deleted, or replaced

Text Edits > Replace Selected Text

Replace selected text

Text Edits >Highlight Selected Text

Highlight selected text

Text Edits >Add Note To Selected Text

Add a sticky note to selected text

Text Edits >Insert Text At Cursor

Insert text at the cursor

Text Edits >Underline Selected Text

Underline selected text

Text Edits >Cross Out Text For Deletion

Cross out selected text


Add stamp comments

Highlight Text tool

Highlight selected text

Underline Text tool

Underline selected text

Cross Out Text tool

Cross out selected text

Attach File As A Comment tool

Embed a file at a selected location in a PDF

Record Audio Comment tool

Add a prerecorded audio comment or record and place an audio comment

Callout tool

Create a text box comment that points to a specific area of the document

Text Box tool

Create a box that contains text

Cloud tool

Draw a cloud shape around text or an object

Arrow tool

Draw an arrow

Line tool

Draw a line

Rectangle tool

Draw a rectangle

Oval tool

Draw an oval

Polygon Line tool

Create an open shape with multiple segments

Polygon tool

Create a closed shape with multiple segments

Pencil tool

Create free-form drawings

Pencil Eraser tool

Remove selected pencil drawing lines