For complete information on placing files into documents, see the specific application’s Help.
You may find yourself working with multiple versions of a document that includes a link to a file with multiple versions. If you decide to promote an earlier version of the document that includes a link to an earlier version of the file, Version Cue links to the current version of the file in the promoted document.
For example, suppose you create an InDesign document, place a Photoshop file in the document, and create multiple versions of both the InDesign document and the Photoshop file. If you then decide to promote an earlier version of the InDesign document, the link to the placed Photoshop file points to the current version of the file—not the version of the file to which you originally linked in the promoted InDesign document.To resolve this, replace the linked file with a previous version.
When Version Cue is enabled in Illustrator, InCopy, or InDesign, the Links panel identifies who is editing a linked file from a Version Cue project.
Links panel functions the same with files that are managed with
Version Cue as with files that are not. For example, if
a newer version of a linked file is on the Version Cue
Server, the Modified Artwork icon appears;
if a file is missing, the Missing Artwork icon
To update a linked file from a Version Cue project, you
use the same procedures used for files that aren’t managed by Version Cue.
The Links panel also displays a Version Cue status icon that describes the state of the file on the Version Cue Server (see File statuses), and displays a linked file’s versions so you can promote and use previous versions. You can even create versions of linked non-Adobe files.
To view versions of a placed file, choose Versions from the Links panel menu.
To view a tool tip that displays the versions of a placed file, place the pointer over the name of the file in the Links panel.
See Illustrator Help, InCopy Help, or InDesign Help for more information about working with the Links panel and placed files.