You can search for files with Bridge using multiple combinations of search criteria. You can save your search criteria as a collection, so that you can perform the same search again later.
For a video on searching for files with Bridge, see
Choose an option from the Limit To menu to limit search results.
Choose an option from the Rank menu.
Choose an order for the search results from the Order menu.
Select Search All Versions Of A File to include past and current versions of Version Cue files in the search.
Select Start From Current Folder to search an entire Version Cue project, even if you chose a subfolder of the project in step 2.
Select Search In Deleted Files to search files deleted from a Version Cue project.
A collection is a saved search. When you open a collection, you run the search again in the location you specified when you created the collection.
A new Bridge window appears containing the results of the search.