
Adjust Content panel display

The Content panel displays thumbnails of the files and folders in the selected folder. By default, Bridge generates Quick Thumbnails and displays them in the Content panel with only file or folder names.

You customize the view in the Content panel by adjusting the amount of text displayed with thumbnails, resizing thumbnails, showing additional metadata for thumbnails, and specifying thumbnail quality. Choose Horizontal Layout or Vertical Layout from the Content panel menu to position scroll bars. Choosing Auto Layout ensures that Bridge switches between a horizontal and vertical layout as needed.

View thumbnails with text

 Choose one of the following from the View menu:
  • As Thumbnails to display files and folders as thumbnails with only file or folder names.

  • As Details to display thumbnails with additional text information.

  • Show Thumbnail Only to display thumbnails without any text information, labels, or ratings.

Adjust the size of thumbnails

Make thumbnails smaller so you can see more of them at once, or enlarge them to see thumbnail details.

 Drag the Thumbnail slider  at the bottom of the Bridge window.
Note: When you resize the Bridge window in Auto Layout mode, thumbnails in the Content panel also resize. To avoid this behavior, choose Horizontal Layout or Vertical Layout from the Content panel menu.

Show additional metadata for thumbnails

The Additional Lines Of Thumbnail Metadata preference specifies whether to show additional metadata information with thumbnails in the Content panel.

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Bridge > Preferences (Mac OS), and click Thumbnails.
  2. In the Additional Lines Of Thumbnail Metadata area, choose the type of metadata to display. You can display up to four extra lines of information.

Limit file size for thumbnails

You can limit the file size for which Bridge will create thumbnails (displaying large files can slow performance). If Bridge can’t create thumbnails, it displays the icon associated with that particular file type. Bridge disregards this setting when displaying thumbnails for video files.

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Bridge > Preferences (Mac OS), and click Thumbnails.
  2. Enter a number in the Do Not Process Files Larger Than text box.

Specify thumbnail quality

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Bridge > Preferences (Mac OS) and click Thumbnails.
  2. Choose one of the following in the When Creating Thumbnails Generate area:
    • Quick Thumbnails to use the low-resolution thumbnails embedded in the source file. These thumbnails aren’t color managed.

    • High Quality Thumbnails to create thumbnails generated from the source file.

    • Convert To High Quality When Previewed to use quick thumbnails until you preview an image, at which time Bridge updates the thumbnail with the high-quality version.

Generate quick or high-quality thumbnails

You can specify that Bridge change high-quality thumbnails to quick thumbnails, or vice versa.

 Select the thumbnail in the Content panel, and choose Edit > Generate Quick Thumbnail or Edit > Generate High Quality Thumbnail.