
About Version Cue PDF reviews

Using Version Cue Server Administration, you can set up and conduct web-based reviews of PDF documents that are on a Version Cue Server.

You can conduct Version Cue PDF reviews for Adobe Illustrator (AI) files that have been saved with the Enable PDF Compatibility option without first converting them to PDF. The AI files appear with PDF files in the Document List when you start a Version Cue PDF review.

As the review progresses, reviewers upload their comments to the Version Cue Server. When a review is complete, you can view all comments either in the context of the original document or as a list in Version Cue Server Administration.

  • To use Version Cue PDF review, reviewers need a Version Cue login name and privileges that allow them to log in to the Version Cue Server hosting the review.

  • To view the PDF and add comments, users need Acrobat 7.0 Professional or later. For more information about commenting in Acrobat, see Acrobat Help.