
View Version Cue information

Note: You can perform this task only if you have access to the full Version Cue feature set. See Accessing Version Cue features.

You can view information about Version Cue Servers, projects, and assets in the Adobe dialog box or by using the Inspector in Bridge. For help on viewing information in Bridge, see “Inspect Version Cue files” in Bridge Help.

If you’ve already opened a Version Cue-managed file in a Version Cue-enabled Creative Suite component, you can view information about it in the status bar at the lower-left of the document window (in Acrobat, this information appears in the lower-left of the navigation pane).
Status bar

  1. In Acrobat, Flash, Illustrator, InCopy, InDesign, or Photoshop, choose File > Open.
  2. Click Use Adobe Dialog. (If you see Use OS Dialog instead, you are already using the Adobe dialog box.)
  3. Click Version Cue in the Favorites panel.
  4. To change the display of Version Cue Servers, projects, or files in the dialog box, choose a display option from the View menu .
    Note: If a Version Cue Server for which you want to view information is outside your subnet, use the Connect To Server command from the Tools menu (or Connect To from the Project Tools menu in Acrobat) to access it.
  5. To display information about a Version Cue Server, project, or file, do one of the following:
    • Click the toggle  to display the Properties panel and view the properties of a file.

    • Place the pointer over the item. Information appears in a tool tip.

    • Select the file and choose Versions from the Tools or Project Tools (Acrobat) menu  menu to display information about a file’s versions.