
Migrate projects to the Version Cue 3.0 Server

If you currently use Version Cue CS2, you need to migrate your projects to Version Cue CS3. When you migrate Version Cue CS2 projects to Version Cue CS3, users assigned to those projects are also migrated.

You cannot migrate Version Cue CS2 projects to Version Cue CS3 on IntelĀ®-based Macintosh computers.

Before migrating projects, ask all users to synchronize their assets so project data is up to date.

  1. Locate the folder Com.adobe.versioncue.migration_2.0.0 on the computer on which Version Cue CS3 is installed and copy it to the Version Cue CS2 Plugins folder.
  2. Restart Version Cue CS2.
  3. Log in to Version Cue CS3 Server Administration.
  4. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Import Version Cue CS2 Data.
  5. Enter a Version Cue CS2 administrator login and password, and click Log In.
  6. Select the project you want to migrate, and click Migrate.
    Note: If the Version Cue CS2 project has the same name as a project that exists on the Version Cue CS3 Server, Version Cue will append a number to the end of the Version Cue CS2 project name (for example, Test Project (2)). If a Version Cue CS2 user has the same user name as an existing user on the Version Cue CS3 Server, Version Cue will use the existing Version Cue CS3 user account.
  7. When Version Cue Server Administration displays the confirmation page, click End.
  8. Stop the Version Cue CS2 workspace.
  9. Uninstall Version Cue CS2.
  10. Restart the Version Cue CS3 Server. This resets the port to allow access from both Adobe Creative Suite 2 and Adobe Creative Suite 3 components.