The Tools menu contains submenus
for various commands available in different Adobe Creative Suite 3
components. For instance, if you have Adobe Photoshop installed,
you can use the commands under the Tools > Photoshop
submenu to make picture packages and create Photomerge® panoramas
using photos you select in Bridge. Running these tasks from Bridge
saves time because you don’t have to open each file individually.
Note: Third
parties can also create and add their own items to the Tools menu
for added functionality in Bridge. For information about creating
your own scripts, see the “Bridge JavaScript Reference.”
For information about a particular command, see the documentation
for that component.

You can quickly vectorize
a movie by using Bridge to run the LiveTrace command on a movie
exported as a series of still files (PSD, BMP, TGA, or TIF) from
After Effects or Adobe Premiere Pro: After creating a LiveTrace
preset for one of the still files in Adobe Illustrator, select the
series of still files in Bridge and choose Tools > Illustrator >
Live Trace. To compile your images back into a video clip, import
the Illustrator files you just created as an Adobe Illustrator sequence
in After Effects or Premiere Pro. Note that there is a 10‑frame
limit when you run the LiveTrace command in Bridge.