

Tips for creating Photoshop images for mobile devices

To ensure that images created in Photoshop display well on mobile devices, do the following:

  • Open Device Central, select a specific device, and then click the Create button to open a new file in Photoshop, retaining all the settings that Photoshop automatically provides. After selecting a device, Photoshop sets options, including size and color space, that are appropriate for the selected device.

  • WBMP format is the standard format for optimizing images for mobile devices. WBMP supports 1‑bit color, which means that WBMP images contain only black and white pixels.

  • Try to reduce the number of colors in images as much as possible and consider using grayscale. The majority of devices currently on the market still support only 16‑bit color (thousands), not 24- or 32‑bit (millions). Thus, special color effects may not display properly. For example, gradients often appear as banded stripes of solid color instead of a smooth graduated transition.

  • For photos, try applying the Sharpen filter one or more times to increase the contrast between colors.

  • Make images small enough to fit the addressable screen size of your target mobile device. (Device Central lists the addressable screen size of each device in its library.) Scrolling is often impossible on mobile devices, so if an image does not fit the screen, portions of the image may simply be inaccessible to viewers.