When you change heap values, the changes are
application-wide and not saved on a per-device basis. Resetting
to default sizes sets all heap sizes back to their respective defaults
as specified in the profiles.
the Emulator tab by doing one of the following:
From Adobe Device Central,
select File > Open, navigate to a Flash SWF file, and double-click
the file.
In Flash, open a file and select Control >
Test Movie.
On the Adobe Device Central Emulator tab,
expand the Memory panel.
If testing your file requires a change in the actual
heap size available on the device, click Edit.
Change the amount in the Static Heap or Dynamic Heap
boxes and click OK.
The new amounts appear on the panel in red to show
that they are customized and are no longer the correct, default
amounts for the selected device. To return to the default, accurate
heap sizes for the selected device, click Reset. (This resets both
heap sizes to the defaults. To reset a single heap size, click Edit
and then click the Reset icon next to the respective heap size field.)