

Preview a movie on a virtual mobile device using Adobe Premiere Pro

Using Adobe Device Central, you can preview movies formatted for mobile devices in emulations of those devices. This option is available for most of the H.264 formats listed in the Adobe Media Encoder.

  1. On Windows computers, make sure QuickTime is installed.
  2. Start Adobe Premiere Pro.
  3. Open the file to preview.
  4. Select the file in the project area or Timeline.
  5. Choose File > Export > Adobe Media Encoder.
  6. In the Export Settings area of the Export Settings Window, select H.264 from the Format drop-down menu.
  7. Select a mobile preset (e.g., 3GPP).

    Open in Device Central should be checked by default.

  8. Click OK.
  9. Name and save the file.

    The file is rendered.

  10. A temporary file is displayed in the Device Central Emulator tab. To continue testing, double-click the name of a different device in the Device Sets or Available Devices lists.