
Create a Spry repeat region

You can add repeat regions to display your data. A repeat region is a simple data structure that you can format as needed to present your data. For example, if you had a set of photograph thumbnails you want to place one after another within a page layout object such as an AP div element.

  1. Select Insert > Spry > Spry Repeat.
    You can also click the Spry Repeat button in the Spry category in the Insert bar.
  2. For the object container, select the <div> or <span> option depending on the type of tag you want. The default is to use a <div> container.
  3. Select the Repeat (default) or Repeat Children option.
    If you want more flexibility, you may want to use the Repeat Children option where data validation is done for each line in a list at the child level. For instance, if you have a <ul> list, the data is checked at the <li> level. If you choose the Repeat option, the data is checked at the <ul> level. The Repeat Children option may be especially useful if you use conditional expressions in your code.
  4. Choose your Spry data set from the menu.
  5. If you already have text or elements selected, you can wrap or replace them.
  6. Click OK to display a repeat region on your page.
    Note: If you try to insert a repeat region but you haven’t created a region, Dreamweaver prompts you to add one before inserting the table. All Spry data objects must be within regions.
  7. When you click OK, Dreamweaver inserts a region placeholder into your page with the text “Content for Spry Region Goes Here.” You can replace this placeholder text with a Spry data object such as a table or repeat list or with dynamic data from the Bindings panel.
  8. To replace the placeholder text with a Spry data object, click the appropriate Spry data object button in the Insert Bar.
  9. To replace the placeholder text with one or more dynamic data, use one of the following methods:
    • Drag one or more elements from the Bindings panel on top of the selected text.

      Bindings panel showing built-in Spry elements.

      Note: The Bindings panel has some built-in Spry elements, ds_RowID, ds_CurrentRowID, and ds_RowCount, also listed. Spry uses these to define the row in which a user clicked when determining how to update dynamic detail regions.
    • In Code view, type the code for one or more elements directly. Use this format: {dataset-name::element-name}, as in {ds1::category}. or {dsProducts::desc}. If you are only using one data set in your file, or if you are using data elements from the same data set that you defined for the region, you can omit the data set name and simply write {category} or {desc}.

    Regardless of which method you use to define the contents of your region, the following lines of code are added to your HTML code:

    <div spry:region="ds1">{name}{category}</div>
    <div spry:region="ds2">{ds1::name}{ds1::descheader}</div>