
Specify a validation type and format

You can specify different validation types for the Validation Text Field widget. For example, you can specify a credit card validation type if the text field will receive credit card numbers.

  1. Select a Validation Text Field widget in the Document window.
  2. In the Property inspector (Window > Properties), select a validation type from the Type menu.
  3. If applicable, select a format from the Format pop-up menu.
Most validation types cause the text field to expect a standard format. For example, if you apply the integer validation type to a text field, the widget won’t validate unless the user has entered numbers in the text field. Some validation types, however, let you choose the kind of format your text field will accept. The following table lists validation types and formats that are available through the Property inspector:

Validation type



No particular format required.


Text field accepts numbers only.


Text field accepts e-mail addresses that contain @ and a period (.) that is both preceded and followed by at least one letter.


Formats vary. Make your selection from the Format pop-up menu of the Property inspector.


Formats vary. Make your selection from the Format pop-up menu of the Property inspector. (“tt” stands for am/pm format; “t” stands for a/p format.)

Credit Card

Formats vary. Make your selection from the Format pop-up menu of the Property inspector. You can choose to accept all credit cards, or specify a particular kind of credit card (MasterCard, Visa, etc.). The text field does not accept spaces in credit card numbers, i.e. 4321 3456 4567 4567.

Zip Code

Formats vary. Make your selection from the Format pop-up menu of the Property inspector.

Phone Number

Text field accepts phone numbers formatted for U.S. and Canada (000) 000-0000 or custom formats. If you select custom format as an option, enter the format, for example, 000.00(00), in the Pattern text box.

Social Security Number

Text field accepts social security numbers formatted as 000-00-0000.


Text field accepts currency formatted as 1,000,000.00 or 1.000.000,00.

Real Number/Scientific Notation

Validates various kinds of numbers: integers (for example, 1); float values (for example, 12.123); and float values in scientific notation (for example, 1.212e+12, 1.221e-12 where e is used as a power of 10).

IP Address

Formats vary. Make your selection from the Format pop-up menu of the Property inspector.


Text field accepts URLs formatted as http://xxx.xxx.xxx or ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.


Lets you specify a custom validation type and format. Enter the format pattern (and hint if desired) in the Property inspector.