
Assign a target attribute for a menu item

The target attribute specifies where to open a linked page. For example, you can assign a target attribute to a menu item so that the linked page opens in a new browser window when the site visitor clicks the link. If you are using framesets, you can also specify the name of a frame where you want the linked page to open.

  1. Select a Menu Bar widget in the Document window.
  2. In the Property inspector (Window > Properties), select the name of the menu item to which you want to assign a target attribute.
  3. Enter one of the four attributes in the Target box:
    Opens the linked page in a new browser window.

    Loads the linked page in the same browser window. This is the default option. If the page is in a frame or frameset, the page loads within that frame.

    Loads the linked document in the immediate frameset parent of the document.

    Loads the linked page in the topmost window of a frameset.