
Apply a Highlight effect

Note: You can use this effect with any HTML objects except applet, body, frame, frameset, or noframes.
  1. (Optional) Select the content or layout object you want to apply the effect to.
  2. In the Behaviors panel (Window > Behaviors), click the Plus (+) button and select Effects > Highlight from the menu.
  3. Select the object’s ID from the target element menu. If you already selected an object, choose <Current Selection>.
  4. In the Effect Duration box, define how long you want the effect to last, in milliseconds.
  5. Select the color you want the highlight to start with.
  6. Select the color you want the highlight to end with. This color lasts only as long as the duration you define in Effect Duration.
  7. Select the color for the object after the highlight has finished.
  8. Select Toggle Effect if you want the effect to be reversible, cycling through the highlight colors with successive clicks.