You can customize the appearance of your site map.
The home page must be on the local site. If you don’t specify a home page, or if Dreamweaver cannot find a file called index.html or index.htm at the root, Dreamweaver prompts you to select a home page when you open the site map.
In the Number of Columns box, type a number to set the number of pages to display per row in the site map window.
In the Column Width box, type a number to set the width, in pixels, of the site map columns.
Select Display Files Marked as Hidden to display HTML files you’ve marked as hidden in the site map.
If a page is hidden, its name and links appear in italics.
Select Display Dependent Files to show all dependent files in the site’s hierarchy.
A dependent file is an image or other non-HTML content that the browser loads when it loads the main page.