
Set up a remote folder

This folder is where you store files for production, collaboration, deployment, or a number of other scenarios. Typically, the remote folder is on the computer where your web server is running. You can set options for this folder by answering the wizard questions in the Basic tab or by clicking the Advanced tab and entering the information directly.

In the Dreamweaver Files panel, the remote folder is referred to as your remote site. When you set up a remote folder, you must select an access method for Dreamweaver to upload and download files to your web server.

For a tutorial on setting up a remote folder, see www.adobe.com/go/vid0162.

Note: Dreamweaver supports connections to IPv6-enabled servers. Supported connection types include FTP, SFTP, WebDav, and RDS. For more information, see www.ipv6.org/
  1. Select Site > Manage Sites.
  2. Click New and select Site to set up a new site, or select an existing Dreamweaver site and click Edit.
  3. Click the Advanced tab, select the Remote Info category and select the access method you want to use to transfer files between local and remote folders:
    Keep this default setting if you do not plan to upload your site to a server.

    Use this setting if you connect to your web server using FTP.

    Use this setting to access a network folder, or if you are storing files or running your testing server on your local computer.

    (Remote Development Services) Use this setting if you connect to your web server using RDS. For this access method, your remote folder must be on a computer running Macromedia® ColdFusion® from Adobe®.

    Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
    Use this setting if you connect to your web server using Microsoft Visual SourceSafe. Support for this method is only available for Windows; to use it, you must have Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Client version 6 installed.

    (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) Use this setting if you connect to your web server using the WebDAV protocol.
    For this access method, you must have a server that supports this protocol, such as Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0 or an appropriately configured installation of Apache web server.
    Note: If you select WebDAV as your access method, and you are using Dreamweaver in a multiuser environment, you should also make sure that all of your users select WebDAV as the access method. If some users select WebDAV, and other users select other access methods (FTP, for example), Dreamweaver’s check-in/check-out feature will not work as expected, since WebDAV uses its own locking system.

Set options for FTP access

  1. Select Site > Manage Sites.
  2. Click New and select Site to set up a new site, or select an existing Dreamweaver site and click Edit.
  3. Select the Advanced tab and click the Remote Info category.
  4. Select FTP and enter the host name of the FTP host to which you upload files for your website.

    Your FTP host is the full Internet name of a computer system, such as ftp.mindspring.com. Enter the full host name without any additional text. In particular, don’t add a protocol name in front of the host name.

    Note: If you do not know your FTP host, contact your web hosting company.
  5. Enter the host directory (folder) at the remote site where you store documents that are visible to the public.

    If you’re uncertain about what to enter as the host directory, contact the server’s administrator or leave the text box blank. On some servers, your root directory is the same as the directory you first connect to with FTP. To find out, connect to the server. If a folder with a name like public_html, or www, or your login name, appears in the Remote File view in your Files panel, that’s probably the directory you should enter in the Host Directory text box.

  6. Enter the login name and password that you use to connect to the FTP server.
  7. Click Test to test your login name and password.
  8. Dreamweaver saves your password by default. Deselect the Save option if you prefer that Dreamweaver prompt you for a password each time you connect to the remote server.
  9. Select Use Passive FTP if your firewall configuration requires use of passive FTP.

    Passive FTP enables your local software to set up the FTP connection rather than requesting the remote server to set it up. If you’re not sure whether you use passive FTP, check with your system administrator.

    For more information, see TechNote 15220 on the Adobe website at www.adobe.com/go/15220.

  10. Select Use Extended Data Connection Type (IPv6) if you are using an IPv6-enabled FTP server.

    With the deployment of version 6 of the Internet Protocol (IPv6), EPRT and EPSV have replaced the FTP commands PORT and PASV, respectively. Thus, if you are trying to connect to an IPv6-enabled FTP server, you must use the extended passive (EPSV) and the extended active (EPRT) commands for your data connection.

    For more information, see www.ipv6.org/.

  11. Select Use Firewall if you connect to the remote server from behind a firewall.
  12. Click Firewall Settings to edit your firewall host or port.
  13. Select Maintain Synchronization Information if you want to automatically synchronize your local and remote files. (This option is selected by default.)
  14. Select Automatically Upload Files to Server on Save if you want Dreamweaver to upload your file to your remote site when you save the file.
  15. Select Enable File Check In and Check Out if you want to activate the Check In/Out system.
  16. Click OK.

Connect to or disconnect from a remote folder with FTP access

 In the Files panel:
  • To connect, click Connects to Remote Host in the toolbar.

  • To disconnect, click Disconnect in the toolbar.

Set options for local or network access

  1. Select Site > Manage Sites.
  2. Click New and select Site to set up a new site, or select an existing Dreamweaver site and click Edit.
  3. Select the Advanced tab, click the Remote Info category, and select Local/Network.
  4. Click the folder icon beside the Remote Folder text box to browse to and select the folder where you store your site files.
  5. Select Maintain Synchronization Information if you want to automatically synchronize your local and remote files. (This option is selected by default.)
  6. Select Automatically Upload Files To Server On Save if you want Dreamweaver to upload your file to your remote site when you save the file.
  7. Select Enable File Check In And Check Out if you want to activate the Check In/Out system.
  8. Click OK.

Set options for WebDAV access

  1. Select Site > Manage Sites.
  2. Click New and select Site to set up a new site, or select an existing Dreamweaver site and click Edit.
  3. Select the Advanced tab, click the Remote Info category, and select WebDAV.
  4. For the URL, enter the complete URL to the directory on the WebDAV server you want to connect to.

    This URL includes the protocol, port, and directory (if not the root directory). For example, http://webdav.mydomain.net/mysite.

  5. Enter your user name and password.

    This information is for server authentication and is not related to Dreamweaver. If you are not sure of your user name and password, check with your system administrator or webmaster.

  6. Click Test to test your connection settings.
  7. Click Save if you want Dreamweaver to remember your password each time you start a new session.
  8. Select Maintain Synchronization Information if you want Dreamweaver to automatically synchronize your local and remote files. (This option is selected by default.)
  9. Select Automatically Upload Files To Server On Save if you want Dreamweaver to upload your file to your remote site when you save the file.
  10. Select Enable File Check In And Check Out if you want to activate the Check In/Out system.

Connect to or disconnect from a remote folder with network access

 You don’t need to connect to the remote folder; you’re always connected. Click the Refresh button to see your remote files.

Set options for RDS access

  1. Select Site > Manage Sites.
  2. Click New and select Site to set up a new site, or select an existing Dreamweaver site and click Edit.
  3. Select the Advanced tab, click the Remote Info category, and select RDS.
  4. Click the Settings button and provide the following information in the Configure RDS Server dialog box:
    • Enter the name of the host computer where your web server is installed.

      The host name is probably an IP address or a URL. If you are unsure, ask your administrator.

    • Enter the port number that you connect to.

    • Enter your root remote folder as the host directory.

      For example, c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myHostDir\.

    • Enter your RDS user name and password.

      Note: These options might not appear if you set your user name and password in the ColdFusion Administrator security settings.
    • Select Save if you want Dreamweaver to remember your settings.

  5. Click OK to close the Configure RDS Server dialog box.
  6. Select the Automatically Upload Files To Server On Save if you want Dreamweaver to upload your file to your remote site when you save the file.
  7. Select Enable File Check In And Check Out if you want to activate the Check In/Out system and click OK.

Set up Microsoft Visual SourceSafe access

  1. Select Site > Manage Sites.
  2. Click New and select Site to set up a new site, or select an existing Dreamweaver site and click Edit.
  3. Select the Advanced tab, click the Remote Info category, and select Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
  4. Click the Settings button and provide the following information in the Open Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Database dialog box:
    • For the Database Path, click Browse to browse for the Visual SourceSafe database you want, or enter the full file path.

      The file you select becomes the srcsafe.ini file used to initialize Visual SourceSafe.

    • For Project, enter the project within the Visual SourceSafe database you want to use as the remote site’s root directory.

    • For Username and Password, enter your login user name and password for the selected database.

      If you don’t know your user name and password, check with your system administrator.

    • Select the Save option if you want Dreamweaver to remember your settings.

  5. Click OK to return to the Site Definition dialog box.
  6. Select Automatically Upload Files To Server On Save if you want Dreamweaver to upload your file to your remote site when you save the file.
  7. Deselect Check Out Files When Opening if you do not want Dreamweaver to download your files from the server automatically when you open the local file.