
Choosing the right Help documents

The following list summarizes the documentation available from the Help menu. Use this list to find the Help system that will answer your question.

  • Dreamweaver Help (called Using Dreamweaver), intended for all users, gives comprehensive information about all Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS3 features.

  • Extending Dreamweaver, which describes the Dreamweaver framework and the application programming interface (API), is intended for advanced users who want to build extensions or customize the Dreamweaver interface.

  • Dreamweaver API Reference documents the utility API and JavaScript API, used by advanced users who want to build extensions and customize the interface.

  • Spry Framework Help documents the creation of Ajax data sets, widgets, and effects with the Spry framework and includes codes samples and quick starts. These documents are not Dreamweaver-specific. For Dreamweaver, see Using Dreamweaver.

  • ColdFusion Help is a selection of books in the Macromedia® ColdFusion® from Adobe documentation set (the full set is available on LiveDocs). These Help documents are intended for both beginners and advanced developers interested in ColdFusion.

  • Reference gives access to HTML, server model, and other reference manuals. They are intended for anyone needing more information about coding syntax, coding concepts, and so on.