The following list summarizes the documentation available from the Help menu. Use this list to find the Help system that will answer your question.
Dreamweaver Help (called Using Dreamweaver), intended for all users, gives comprehensive information about all Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS3 features.
Extending Dreamweaver, which describes the Dreamweaver framework and the application programming interface (API), is intended for advanced users who want to build extensions or customize the Dreamweaver interface.
Dreamweaver API Reference documents the utility API and JavaScript API, used by advanced users who want to build extensions and customize the interface.
Spry Framework Help documents the creation of Ajax data sets, widgets, and effects with the Spry framework and includes codes samples and quick starts. These documents are not Dreamweaver-specific. For Dreamweaver, see Using Dreamweaver.
ColdFusion Help is a selection of books in the Macromedia® ColdFusion® from Adobe documentation set (the full set is available on LiveDocs). These Help documents are intended for both beginners and advanced developers interested in ColdFusion.
Reference gives access to HTML, server model, and other reference manuals. They are intended for anyone needing more information about coding syntax, coding concepts, and so on.