
Dynamically preselect an HTML radio button

Dynamically preselect an HTML radio button when a record is displayed in the HTML form in a browser.

Before you begin, you must create the form in a ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, or JSP page, and insert at least one group of HTML radio buttons (Insert > Form > Radio Group). You must also define a recordset or other source of dynamic content for the radio buttons. Ideally, the source of content should contain Boolean data, such as Yes/No or true/false.

Note: For ASP.NET pages, you must use the ASP.NET RadioButtonList control.
  1. In Design view, select a radio button in the radio group.
  2. In the Property inspector, click the Dynamic button.
  3. Complete the Dynamic Radio Group dialog box, and click OK.

Set the Dynamic Radio Group dialog box options

  1. In the Radio Button Group pop‑up menu, select a form and radio button group in the page.

    The Radio Button Value box displays the values of all radio buttons in the group.

  2. Select a value to dynamically preselect from the list of values. This value is displayed in the Value box.
  3. Click the lightning bolt icon beside the Select Value Equal To box and select a recordset that contains possible checked values for the radio buttons in the group.

    The recordset you select contains values that match the radio buttons’ checked values. To view the checked values of the radio buttons, select each radio button and open its Property inspector (Window > Properties).

  4. Click OK.

Set the Dynamic Radio Group dialog box options (ColdFusion, ASP.NET)

  1. Select a radio group and form from the Radio Group pop‑up menu.
  2. Click the lightning bolt icon next to Select Value Equal To box.
  3. Complete the Dynamic Data dialog box, and click OK.
    1. Select a data source from the list of data sources.
    2. (Optional) Select a data format for the text.
    3. (Optional) Modify the code that Dreamweaver inserts in your page to display the dynamic text.
  4. Click OK to close the Dynamic Radio Group dialog box, and insert the dynamic content placeholder in the Radio Group.