selecting a web service, generating its proxy, and adding it to
the Components panel, you insert it in a page.
The following
example shows the Components panel with the web service proxy Helloworld added.
The Helloworld proxy provides one method, sayHello,
which prints “Hello World.”
The following
example instantiates the HelloWorld web service
using ColdFusion.
- In the Document window, in Code view, drag the sayHello method
into the page’s HTML.
Dreamweaver adds the method and
dummy parameters to the page.
- Edit the inserted code with appropriate service instance
names, data types, and parameter values, as required by the web
service. The web service provides descriptions of the data types
and parameter values.
In the following ColdFusion example, the web service is
enclosed by the <cfinvoke> tags. When developing
a web service in ColdFusion, use <cfinvoke> to instantiate
the web service and invoke its methods.
<title>Web Service</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- To bind a return value to a visual element, switch to
Design view and place a visual element on the page that can accept
data binding. Then switch back to Code view and enter the appropriate
code to bind the returned value to the visual element. When creating
web services, refer to the technology provider’s documentation for
the proper syntax with which to both instantiate the service and
display the returned values to the page.
In this example, the value returned for the variable aString is
output using the ColdFusion <cfoutput> tag.
This displays the sentence “The web service says: Hello world!”
to the page.
<title>Web Service</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
The web service says: <cfoutput>#aString#</cfoutput>
- When you deploy web pages to a production server, Dreamweaver automatically
copies the pages, the proxy, and any necessary libraries to the
web server.
Note: If you develop the application with a proxy that is
installed on a separate computer from the one where you developed
the pages, or if you use a site management tool that does not copy
all of the related files to the server, you must ensure that you
deploy both the proxy and any dependent library files. Otherwise, your
pages cannot communicate with the web service application.