
Display and hide regions based on recordset results

You can also specify that a region be displayed or hidden based on whether the recordset is empty. If a recordset is empty (for example, no records were found matching the query), you can display a message informing the user that no records were returned. This is especially useful when creating search pages that rely on user input search terms to run queries against. Similarly, you can display an error message if there is a problem connecting to a database, or if a user’s user name and password do not match those recognized by the server.

The Show Region server behaviors are:

  • Show If Recordset Is Empty

  • Show If Recordset Is Not Empty

  • Show If First Page

  • Show If Not First Page

  • Show If Last Page

  • Show If Not Last Page

  1. In Design view, select the region on the page to show or hide.
  2. In the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors), click the Plus (+) button.
  3. Select Show Region from the pop‑up menu, select one of the listed server behaviors, and click OK.