
Server behaviors and formatting elements

Dreamweaver provides the following server behaviors and formatting elements to let you enhance the display of dynamic data:

let you apply different types of numerical, monetary, date/time, and percentage values to dynamic text.

For example, if the price of an item in a recordset reads 10.989, you can display the price on the page as $10.99 by selecting the Dreamweaver “Currency - 2 Decimal Places” format. This format displays a number using two decimal places. If the number has more than two decimal places, the data format rounds the number to the closest decimal. If the number has no decimal places, the data format adds a decimal point and two zeros.

Repeating Region
server behaviors let you display multiple items returned from a database query, and let you specify the number of records to display per page.

Recordset Navigation
server behaviors let you insert navigation elements that allow users to move to the next or previous set of records returned by the recordset. For example, if you choose to display 10 records per page using the Repeating Region server object, and the recordset returns 40 records, you can navigate through 10 records at a time.

Recordset Status Bar
server behaviors let you include a counter that shows users where they are within a set of records relative to the total number of records returned.

Show Region
server behaviors let you choose to show or hide items on the page based on the relevance of the currently displayed records. For example, if a user has navigated to the last record in a recordset, you can hide the Next link, and display only the Previous records link.