
Restrict database information displayed in Dreamweaver

Advanced users of large database systems like Oracle should restrict the number of database items retrieved and displayed by Dreamweaver at design time. An Oracle database may contain items that Dreamweaver cannot process at design time. You can create a schema in Oracle and use it in Dreamweaver to filter out unnecessary items at design time.

Note: You cannot create a schema or catalog in Microsoft Access.

Other users may benefit from restricting the amount of information Dreamweaver retrieves at design time. Some databases contain dozens or even hundreds of tables, and you might prefer not to list them all while you work. A schema or catalog can restrict the number of database items that are retrieved at design time.

You must create a schema or catalog in your database system before you can apply it in Dreamweaver. Consult your database system documentation or your system administrator.

Note: You cannot apply a schema or catalog in Dreamweaver if you’re developing a ColdFusion application, or using Microsoft Access.
  1. Open a dynamic page in Dreamweaver; then open the Databases panel (Window > Databases).
    • If the database connection exists, right-click (Windows) or Control‑click (Macintosh) the connection in the list, and select Edit Connection from the pop‑up menu.

    • If the connection does not exist, click the Plus (+) button at the top of the panel and create it.

  2. In the dialog box for the connection, click Advanced.
  3. Specify your schema or catalog, and click OK.