Before connecting through an ODBC driver, make sure the appropriate ODBC driver and the Sun JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver are installed on the Windows computer running the JSP application server.
For instructions, see the following articles on the Microsoft website:
Windows 2000 users, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 300596 at;en-us;300596
Windows XP users, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 305599 at;en-us;305599
If you don’t need a user name or password, leave the boxes blank. For example, if your DSN is called Acme and you don’t need a user name or password to access the database, enter the following parameter values:
Driver: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
URL: jdbc:odbc:Acme
If the driver is installed on the same computer as Dreamweaver, select Using Driver On This Machine.
If the driver is not installed on the same computer as Dreamweaver, select Using Driver On Testing Server.
Dreamweaver attempts to connect to the database. If the connection fails, double-check the DSN and the other connection parameters. If the connection still fails, check the settings for the testing folder Dreamweaver uses to process dynamic pages.