
Create an ODBC connection

Before connecting through an ODBC driver, make sure the appropriate ODBC driver and the Sun JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver are installed on the Windows computer running the JSP application server.

  1. Define a DSN on the Windows system hosting your application server.

    For instructions, see the following articles on the Microsoft website:

  2. Open a JSP page in Dreamweaver, and then open the Databases panel (Window > Databases).
  3. Click the Plus (+) button on the panel, and select Sun JDBC-ODBC Driver (ODBC Database) from the menu.
  4. Enter a name for the new connection, without spaces or special characters.
  5. Replace the [odbc dsn] placeholder in the URL box with the DSN you defined in step 1. The URL box should look like this:
  6. Specify the user name and password to access the database.

    If you don’t need a user name or password, leave the boxes blank. For example, if your DSN is called Acme and you don’t need a user name or password to access the database, enter the following parameter values:

    Driver: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver

    URL: jdbc:odbc:Acme

  7. Specify the location of the JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver.
    • If the driver is installed on the same computer as Dreamweaver, select Using Driver On This Machine.

    • If the driver is not installed on the same computer as Dreamweaver, select Using Driver On Testing Server.

      Note: Macintosh users can ignore this step because all database connections use the application server.
  8. Click Test, and then click OK.

    Dreamweaver attempts to connect to the database. If the connection fails, double-check the DSN and the other connection parameters. If the connection still fails, check the settings for the testing folder Dreamweaver uses to process dynamic pages.