
Edit Fireworks pop‑up menus in Dreamweaver

You can create a pop‑up menu in Fireworks 8 or later and then edit it with Dreamweaver or with Fireworks (using roundtrip editing), but with not both. If you edit your menus in Dreamweaver and then edit them in Fireworks, you will lose all your previous edits except for the text content.

If you prefer to edit your menus with Dreamweaver, you can use Fireworks to create the pop‑up menu and then use Dreamweaver exclusively to edit and customize the menu.

If you prefer to edit the menus in Fireworks, you can use the roundtrip editing feature in Dreamweaver, but you should not edit the menus directly in Dreamweaver.

  1. In Dreamweaver, select the Fireworks table that contains the pop‑up menu, and then click Edit in the Property inspector.

    The source PNG file opens in Fireworks.

  2. In Fireworks, edit the menu with the Pop‑up Menu Editor, and then click Done on the Fireworks toolbar.

    Fireworks sends the edited pop‑up menu back to Dreamweaver.

    If you created a pop‑up menu in Fireworks MX 2004 or earlier, you can edit it in Dreamweaver using the Show Pop‑Up Menu dialog box, available from the Behaviors panel.