
Apply the Set Text Of Container behavior

The Set Text Of Container behavior replaces the content and formatting of an existing container (that is, any element that can contain text or other elements) on a page with the content you specify. The content can include any valid HTML source code.

You can embed any valid JavaScript function call, property, global variable, or other expression in the text. To embed a JavaScript expression, place it inside braces ({}). To display a brace, precede it with a backslash (\{).


The URL for this page is {window.location}, and today is {new Date()}.
  1. Select an object and select Set Text > Set Text Of Container from the Actions menu of the Behaviors panel.
  2. In the Set Text Of Container dialog box, use the Container menu to select the target element.
  3. Enter the new text or HTML in the New HTML box.
  4. Click OK and verify that the default event is correct. If not, select another event or change the target browser in the Show Events For submenu.