
Import JSP tags from a file or server (web.xml)

Import a JSP tag library into Dreamweaver from a variety of file types or a JSP server.

  1. Open a JSP page in Dreamweaver.
  2. Open the Tag Library editor (Edit > Tag Libraries).
  3. Click the Plus (+) button, and select JSP > Import From File (*.tld, *.jar, *.zip), or JSP > Import from Server (web.xml.)
  4. Click the Browse button or enter a filename for the file that contains the tag library.
  5. Enter a URI to identify the tag library.

    The URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) often consists of the URL of the organization maintaining the tag library. The URL is not used to view the organization’s website; it is used to uniquely identify the tag library.

  6. (Optional) Enter the prefix to be used with the tags. Some tag libraries use a prefix to identify a tag in the code as part of a particular tag library.
  7. Click OK.