
Collapse and expand code fragments

When you select code, a set of collapse buttons is displayed next to the selection (Minus symbols in Windows; vertical triangles on the Macintosh). Click the buttons to collapse and expand the selection. When the code is collapsed, the collapse buttons change to an expand button (a Plus button in Windows; a horizontal triangle on the Macintosh).

Sometimes, the exact fragment of code that you selected is not collapsed. Dreamweaver uses “smart collapse” to collapse the most common and visually pleasing selection. For example, if you selected an indented tag and then selected the indented spaces before the tag as well, Dreamweaver would not collapse the indented spaces, because most users would expect their indentations to be preserved. To disable smart collapse and force Dreamweaver to collapse exactly what you selected, hold down the Control key before collapsing your code.

Also, a warning icon on collapsed code fragments is displayed if a fragment contains errors or code that is unsupported by certain browsers.

You can also collapse the code by Alt‑clicking (Windows) or Option-clicking (Macintosh) one of the collapse buttons, or by clicking the Collapse Selection button in the Coding toolbar.
  1. Select some code.
  2. Select Edit > Code Collapse, and select any of options.

Select a collapsed code fragment

 In Code view, click the collapsed code fragment.
Note: When you make a selection in Design view that is part of a collapsed code fragment, the fragment is automatically expanded in Code view. When you make a selection in Design view that is a complete code fragment, the fragment remains collapsed in Code view.

View the code in a collapsed code fragment without expanding it

 Hold the mouse pointer over the collapsed code fragment.

Use keyboard shortcuts to collapse and expand code

 You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts:




Collapse Selection



Collapse Outside Selection



Expand Selection



Collapse Full Tag



Collapse Outside Full Tag



Expand All

