You can create content such as a QuickTime movie for a Netscape Navigator plug‑in, and then use Dreamweaver to insert that content into an HTML document. Typical plug‑ins include RealPlayer and QuickTime, while some content files include mp3s and QuickTime movies.
You can preview movies and animations that rely on Netscape Navigator plug‑ins directly in the Design view of the Document window. You can play all plug‑in elements at one time to see how the page will look to the user, or you can play each one individually to ensure that you have embedded the correct media element.
After inserting content for a Netscape Navigator plug‑in, use the Property inspector to set parameters for that content. To view the following properties in the Property inspector, select a Netscape Navigator plug‑in object.
The Property inspector initially displays the most commonly used properties. Click the expander arrow in the lower-right corner to see all properties.
Select one of the media elements you have inserted, and select View > Plugins > Play or click the Play button in the Property inspector.
Select View > Plugins > Play All to play all of the media elements on the selected page that rely on plug‑ins.