
Edit or delete a Flash Video component

To change the settings for the Flash Video content in your web page, you must either select the Flash Video component placeholder in the Dreamweaver Document window and use the Property inspector, or you must delete the Flash Video component and reinsert it by selecting Insert > Media > Flash Video.

Edit the Flash Video component

  1. Select the Flash Video component placeholder in the Dreamweaver Document window by clicking the Flash Video icon at the center of the placeholder.
  2. Open the Property inspector (Window > Properties) and make your changes.
    Note: You cannot change video types (from progressive download to streaming, for example) by using the Property inspector. To change the video type, you must delete the Flash Video component, and reinsert it by selecting Insert > Media > Flash Video.

Delete the Flash Video component

 Select the Flash Video component placeholder in the Dreamweaver Document window and press Delete.