While in Dreamweaver, you can open a selected image in an external image editor; when you return to Dreamweaver after saving the edited image file, any changes you made to the image are visible in the Document window.
You can set up Fireworks as your primary external editor. You can also set which file types an editor opens; and you can select multiple image editors. For example, you can set preferences to start Fireworks when you want to edit a GIF, and to start a different image editor when you want to edit a JPG or JPEG.
Double-click the image you want to edit.
Right-click (Windows) or Control‑click (Macintosh) the image you want to edit, then select Edit With > Browse and select an editor.
Select the image you want to edit, and click Edit in the Property inspector.
Double-click the image file in the Files panel to start the primary image editor. If you haven’t specified an image editor, Dreamweaver starts the default editor for the file type.
If you don’t see an updated image after returning to the Dreamweaver window, select the image and then click the Refresh button in the Property inspector.
Select Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Preferences (Macintosh), and select File Types/Editors in the Category list on the left.
Select Edit > Edit with External Editor and select File Types/Editors.
Click the Add (+) or Delete (–) buttons above the Editors list to add or remove an editor.
Click the Make Primary button, to change which editor starts by default for editing.