
Change the color of text

You can change the default color of all the text in a page, or you can change the color of selected text in the page.

Define default text colors for a page

  Select Modify > Page Properties > Appearance or Links, and then select colors for the Text Color, Link Color, Visited Links, and Active Links options.
Note: The active link color is the color that a link changes to while it’s being clicked. Some web browsers may not use the color you specify.

Change the color of selected text

  Select the text and do one of the following:
  • Select a color by clicking the color box in the Property inspector.

  • Select Text > Color, select a color from the system color picker, and then click OK.

  • Enter the color name or hexadecimal number directly in the Property inspector field.

Return text to the default color

  1. In the Property inspector, click the color box to open the palette of web‑safe colors.
  2. Click the Strike-through button (the white square button with a red line through it, found in the upper-right corner).