
Set copy and paste preferences

You can set special paste preferences as default options when using Edit > Paste to paste text from other applications. For example, if you always want to paste text as text only, or text with basic formatting, you can set the default option in the Copy/Paste Preferences dialog box.

Note: When you paste text into a Dreamweaver document, you can use either the Paste or the Paste Special command. The Paste Special command lets you specify the format of pasted text in different ways. For example, if you wanted to paste text from a formatted Microsoft Word document into your Dreamweaver document, but wanted to strip out all of the formatting so that you could apply your own CSS style sheet to the pasted text, you could select the text in Word, copy it to your Clipboard, and use the Paste Special command to select the option that lets you paste text only.
Note: Preferences set in the Copy/Paste Preferences dialog box apply only to material pasted into Design view.
  1. Select Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Dreamweaver Preferences (Macintosh).
  2. Click the Copy/Paste category.
  3. Set the following options and click OK.
    Text Only
    Lets you paste unformatted text. If the original text is formatted, all formatting, including line breaks and paragraphs, will be removed.

    Text With Structure
    Lets you paste text that retains structure, but does not retain basic formatting. For example, you can paste text and retain the structure of paragraphs, lists, and tables, without retaining bold, italics, and other formatting.

    Text With Structure Plus Basic Formatting
    Lets you paste both structured and simple HTML-formatted text (e.g., paragraphs and tables, as well as text formatted with the b, i, u, strong, em, hr, abbr, or acronym tag).

    Text With Structure Plus Full Formatting
    Lets you paste text that retains all structure, HTML formatting, and CSS styles.
    Note: The Full Formatting option cannot retain CSS styles that come from an external style sheet, nor can it retain styles if the application from which you are pasting does not retain styles upon pasting to the Clipboard.

    Retain Line Breaks
    Lets you keep line breaks in pasted text. This option is disabled if you have selected Text Only.

    Clean Up Word Paragraph Spacing
    Select this option if you selected Text With Structure or Text With Structure Plus Basic Formatting, and want to eliminate extra space between paragraphs when you paste your text.