
Save and revert web pages

You can save a document using its current name and location, or save a copy of a document using a different name and location.

When naming files, avoid using spaces and special characters in file and folder names. In particular, do not use special characters (such as é, ç, or ¥) or punctuation (such as colons, slashes, or periods) in the names of files you intend to put on a remote server; many servers change these characters during upload, which will cause any links to the files to break. Also, do not begin a filename with a numeral.

Save a document

  1. Do one of the following:
    • To overwrite the current version on the disk, and save any changes you have made, select File > Save.

    • To save the file in a different folder or using a different name, select File > Save As.

  2. In the Save As dialog box that appears, navigate to the folder where you want to save the file.
  3. In the File Name text box, type a name for the file.
  4. Click Save to save the file.

Save all open documents

  1. Select File > Save All.
  2. If there are any unsaved documents open, the Save As dialog box is displayed for each unsaved document.

    In the dialog box that appears, navigate to the folder where you want to save the file.

  3. In the File Name box, type a name for the file and click Save.

Revert to the last saved version of a document

  1. Select File > Revert.

    A dialog box asks if you want to discard your changes, and revert to the previously saved version.

  2. Click Yes to revert to the previous version; click No to keep your changes.
    Note: If you save a document, and then exit Dreamweaver, you cannot revert to the previous version of the document when you restart Dreamweaver.