If you select Display Debugging Information On Failure, Dreamweaver ignores the On Failure, Go To option.
By default, Dreamweaver creates a form object for each column in the database table. If your database automatically generates unique key IDs for each new record created, remove the form object corresponding to the key column by selecting it in the list and clicking the Minus (-) button. This eliminates the risk that the user of the form will enter an ID value that already exists.
You can also change the order of the form objects on the HTML form by selecting a form object in the list and clicking the up or down arrow on the right side of the dialog box.
In the Label box, enter a descriptive label to display beside the data-entry field. By default, Dreamweaver displays the table column’s name in the label.
In the Display As pop‑up menu, select a form object to serve as the data-entry field. You can select Text Field, Text Area, Menu, Checkbox, Radio Group, and Text. For read-only entries, select Text. You can also select Password Field, File Field, and Hidden Field.
In the Submit As pop‑up menu, select the data format accepted by your database table. For example, if the table column only accepts numeric data, select Numeric.
Set the form object’s properties. You have different options depending on the form object you select as your data-entry field. For text fields, text areas, and text, you can enter an initial value. For menus and radio groups, you open another dialog box to set the properties. For options, select the Checked or Unchecked option.
If you use ASP.NET, you can choose to use web form control.
Dreamweaver adds both an HTML form and an Insert Record server behavior to your page. The form objects are laid out in a basic table, which you can customize using the Dreamweaver page design tools. (Make sure all the form objects remain within the form’s boundaries.)
To edit the server behavior, open the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors) and double-click the Insert Record behavior.