After building the master page and adding the recordset, you create links that open the detail page. You then modify the links to pass the IDs of the records the user selects. The detail page uses this ID to find the requested record in the database and display it.
In the dynamic table, the selected text appears linked. When the page runs on the server, the link is applied to the text in every table row.
If Live Data view is enabled, select the link in the first row.
The question mark tells the server that what follows is one or more URL parameters. The word recordID is the name of the URL parameter (you can make up any name you like). Make a note of the name of the URL parameter because you'll use it in the detail page later.
The expression after the equal sign is the value of the parameter. In this case, the value is generated by a ColdFusion expression that returns a record ID from the recordset. A different ID is generated for each row in the dynamic table. In the ColdFusion expression, replace recordsetName with the name of your recordset, and replace fieldName with the name of the field in your recordset that uniquely identifies each record. In most cases, the field will consist of a record ID number. In the following example, the field consists of unique location codes.
When the page runs, the values of the recordset's CODE field are inserted in the corresponding rows in the dynamic table. For example, if the Canberra, Australia, rental location has the code CBR, the following URL is used in the Canberra row in the dynamic table:
?recordID=<?php echo $row_recordsetName['fieldName']; ?>
The question mark tells the server that what follows is one or more URL parameters. The word recordID is the name of the URL parameter (you can use any name you like). Make a note of the name of the URL parameter because you’ll use it in the detail page later.
The expression after the equal sign is the value of the parameter. In this case, the value is generated by a PHP expression that returns a record ID from the recordset. A different ID is generated for each row in the dynamic table. In the PHP expression, replace recordsetName with the name of your recordset, and replace fieldName with the name of the field in your recordset that uniquely identifies each record. In most cases, the field will consist of a record ID number. In the following example, the field consists of unique location codes.
locationDetail.php?recordID=<?php echo $row_rsLocations['CODE']; ?>
When the page runs, the values of the recordset’s CODE field are inserted in the corresponding rows in the dynamic table. For example, if the Canberra, Australia, rental location has the code CBR, the following URL is used in the Canberra row in the dynamic table:
A special link surrounds the selected text. When the user clicks the link, the Go To Detail Page server behavior passes a URL parameter containing the record ID to the detail page. For example, if the URL parameter is called id and the detail page is called customerdetail.asp, the URL looks something like the following when the user clicks on the link:
The first part of the URL,, opens the detail page. The second part, ?id=43, is the URL parameter. It tells the detail page what record to find and display. The term id is the name of the URL parameter and 43 is its value. In this example, the URL parameter contains the record’s ID number, 43.
The URL not only has to open the detail page, it must uniquely identify the record to display on that page.
To identify the record to display on the detail page, select the Data Field option and select a field in your DataSet that uniquely identifies each record. In most cases, the field consists of a record ID number. In the following example, the field consists of unique location codes:
Dreamweaver creates a URL to the detail page that includes a URL parameter identifying the record the detail page should display. Make a note of the name of the URL parameter because you’ll use it in the detail page later.
For example, if you select locationDetail.aspx as your detail page, the following URL is created:
In this case, the URL parameter is called CODE. Dreamweaver copies the name of the data field, but you don’t have to use that name. You can change it to something more descriptive, such as recordID, as the following example shows:
The {0} element is a placeholder corresponding to the data field’s value. When the page runs, the values of the DataSet’s CODE field are inserted in the corresponding rows in the DataGrid. For example, if the Canberra, Australia, rental location has the code CBR, the following URL is used in the Canberra row in the DataGrid:
The DataGrid on your page updates.