XPath (XML Path Language) is a non-XML syntax for addressing portions of an XML document. It is used mostly as a query language for XML data, just as the SQL language is used to query databases. For more information on XPath, see the XPath language specification on the W3C website at www.w3.org/TR/xpath.
The XPath Expression Builder is a Dreamweaver feature that lets you build simple XPath expressions for identifying specific nodes of data and for repeating regions. The advantage of using this method instead of dragging values from the XML schema tree is that you can format the value that is displayed. The current context is identified based on the position of the insertion point in the XSL file when the XPath Expression Builder dialog box is opened. The current context is in boldface type in the XML schema tree. As you make selections within this dialog box, the correct XPath statements, relative to your current context, are generated. This simplifies the process of writing correct XPath expressions for beginners and advanced users.
You can select a node to repeat over and, optionally, to filter the results. In the XPath Expression Builder dialog box, your selected content will be wrapped inside an <xsl:for-each> block. If you have not selected content, the <xsl:for-each> block will be entered at the insertion point of your cursor.