
Insert a repeating table

You can use a repeating table to create an editable region (in table format) with repeating rows. You can define table attributes and set which table cells are editable.

  1. In the Document window, place the insertion point in the document where you want to insert the repeating table.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select Insert > Template Objects > Repeating Table.

    • In the Common category of the Insert bar, click the Templates button, and then select Repeating Table from the pop-up menu.

  3. Specify the following options and click OK.
    determines the number of rows the table has.

    Determines the number of columns the table has.

    Cell Padding
    Determines the number of pixels between a cell’s content and the cell boundaries.

    Cell Spacing
    Determines the number of pixels between adjacent table cells.
    If you don’t explicitly assign values for cell padding and cell spacing, most browsers display the table as if cell padding were set to 1 and cell spacing were set to 2. To ensure that browsers display the table with no padding or spacing, set Cell Padding and Cell Spacing to 0.

    Specifies the width of the table in pixels, or as a percentage of the browser window’s width.

    Specifies the width, in pixels, of the table’s borders.
    If you don’t explicitly assign a value for border, most browsers display the table as if the border were set to 1. To ensure that browsers display the table with no border, set Border to 0. To view cell and table boundaries when the border is set to 0, select View > Visual Aids > Table Borders.

    Repeat Rows of the Table
    Specify which rows in the table are included in the repeating region.

    Starting Row
    Sets the row number entered as the first row to include in the repeating region.

    Ending Row
    Sets the row number entered as the last row to include in the repeating region.

    Region Name
    Lets you set a unique name for the repeating region.