Open a document, and then place
the insertion point in the Document window.
Do one of the following:
Select Insert > Form >
Jump Menu.
In the Forms category of the Insert bar, click the
Jump Menu button.
Complete the Insert Jump menu dialog box and click OK.
Here is a partial list of options:
Plus and Minus buttons
Click Plus to insert an item; click Plus again to add another
one. To delete an item, select it and click Minus.
Arrow buttons
Select an item and click the arrows to move it up or
down in the list.
Type the name of an unnamed item. If your menu includes
a selection prompt (such as “Choose one”), type it here as the first
menu item (if so, you must also choose the Select First Item After
URL Change option at the bottom).
When Selected Go To URL
Browse to the target file or type its path.
Open URLs In
Specify whether to open the file in the same window or
in a frame. If the frame you want to target doesn’t appear in the
menu, close the Insert Jump Menu dialog box and name the frame.
Go Button After Menu
Select to insert a Go button rather than a menu selection
Select First Item After URL Change
Select if you inserted a menu selection prompt (“Choose
one”) as the first menu item.