
Provide content for browsers without frame support

Dreamweaver lets you specify content to display in text-based browsers and in older graphical browsers that do not support frames. This content is stored in the frameset file, wrapped in a noframes tag. When a browser that doesn’t support frames loads the frameset file, the browser displays only the content enclosed by the noframes tag.

Note: Content in the noframes area should be more than just a note saying “You should upgrade to a browser that can handle frames.” Some site visitors use systems that don’t allow them to view frames.
  1. Select Modify > Frameset > Edit NoFrames Content.

    Dreamweaver clears the Design view, and the words “NoFrames Content” appear at the top of the Design view.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the Document window, type or insert the content just as you would for an ordinary document.

    • Select Window > Code Inspector, place the insertion point between the body tags that appear inside the noframes tags, then type the HTML code for the content.

  3. Select Modify > Frameset > Edit NoFrames Content again to return to the normal view of the frameset document.