can set various attributes of a layout cell in the Property inspector,
including width and height, background color, and alignment of the
cell’s contents.
Select a cell by clicking an edge
of the cell or by Control‑clicking (Windows) or Command‑clicking
(Macintosh) anywhere in the cell.
Open the Property inspector (Window > Properties)
and set the cell’s formatting properties.
Sets the cell to a fixed width. Enter a width (in pixels)
in the adjacent text box.
Makes the cell autostretch.
Sets the cell’s height (in pixels).
The background color for the layout cell. Click the color
box and select a color in the Color Picker, or enter a hexadecimal
number corresponding to a color in the adjacent text box.
Sets the horizontal alignment of the cell’s contents.
You can set the alignment to Left, Center, Right, or Default.
Sets the vertical alignment of the cell’s contents. You
can set the alignment to Top, Middle, Bottom, Baseline, or Default.
No Wrap
Prevents word wrapping. When this option is selected,
the layout cell widens as necessary to accommodate text, rather
than continuing the text on a new line.
If you entered a value in a text box, press Tab or Enter
(Windows) or Return (Macintosh) to apply the value.
Select a table by clicking
the tab at the top of the table.
Open the Property inspector (Window > Properties),
set the table’s formatting properties, and press Tab or Enter (Windows),
or Return (Macintosh) to apply the value.
Sets the table to a fixed width, in pixels.
Makes the rightmost column of the table autostretch.
The table’s height (in pixels).
Sets the amount of space between the content of a layout
cell and the cell boundary (in pixels). If you change cell padding
and a column width appears in parentheses for your layout table,
use the Make Widths Consistent option.
Sets the amount of space between adjacent layout cells
(in pixels). If you change cell spacing and a column width appears
in parentheses for your layout table, use the Make Widths Consistent
Clear Row Heights
Removes explicit height settings for all the cells in
the layout table. Dreamweaver specifies explicit
cell heights to show your layout as you drew it, even if some cells
are empty. Therefore, you should select this option only after placing
content in layout cells; otherwise, empty cells might collapse vertically.
Note: Clearing
row heights might have unexpected effects on empty (gray) areas
in the layout table (that is, areas that don’t contain any cells).
In particular, some empty rows might be removed from the table entirely,
and the table might appear to collapse vertically.
Make Widths Consistent
Resets the width specified in the HTML for each cell
in the table to match the width of the content within that cell,
if you have fixed-width cells in your layout.
Remove All Spacers
Removes spacer images (transparent images that are used to
control the spacing in your layout) from your layout table.
Note: Removing
spacer images might cause some columns of your table to become very
narrow. You should generally leave spacer images in place unless
each column contains other content that will keep the column at
the desired width.
Remove Nesting
Removes a layout table that’s nested inside another layout table,
without losing any of its contents. The inner layout table disappears;
the layout cells that it contained become part of the outer table.