You can select an entire table, row, or column at once. You can also select one or more individual cells.
When you move your pointer over a table, row, column, or cell, Dreamweaver highlights all the cells in that selection so that you know which cells will be selected. This is useful when you have tables without borders, cells that span multiple columns or rows, or nested tables. You can change the highlight color in preferences.
Click the upper-left corner of the table, anywhere on the top or bottom edge of the table, or on a row or column’s border.
Click in a table cell, then select the <table> tag in the tag selector at the lower-left corner of the Document window.
Click in a table cell, then select Modify > Table > Select Table.
in a table cell, click the table header menu, then select Select
Table. Selection handles appear on the selected table’s lower and
right edges .
Click in the cell, then select the <td> tag in the tag selector at the lower-left corner of the Document window.
Control-click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh) in the cell.
Click in the cell and select Edit > Select All.
Drag from a cell to another cell.
Click in one cell, Control‑click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh) in the same cell to select it, then Shift-click another cell.
All of the cells within the linear or rectangular region defined by the two cells are selected.
If each cell, row, or column you Control‑click or Command-click isn’t already selected, it’s added to the selection. If it is already selected, it’s removed from the selection.
To change the highlighting color for table elements, click the Mouse-Over color box, then select a highlight color using the color picker (or enter the hexadecimal value for the highlight color in the text box).
To enable or disable highlighting for table elements, select or deselect the Show option for Mouse-Over.