
Delete, move, or rename a remote file in a Contribute site

Deleting a file from the remote server that hosts a Contribute site works much like deleting a file from the server for any Dreamweaver site. However, when you delete a file from a Contribute site, Dreamweaver asks whether to delete all older versions of the file. If you choose to keep the older versions, Dreamweaver saves a copy of the current version in the _baks folder so you can restore it later.

Renaming a remote file or moving it from one folder to another in a Contribute site works the same way it works in any Dreamweaver site. In a Contribute site, Dreamweaver also renames or moves the associated previous versions of the file that are saved in the _baks folder.

  1. Select the file in the Remote pane of the Files panel (Window > Files), and then press Backspace (Windows) or Delete (Macintosh).

    A dialog box appears asking you to confirm that you want to delete the file.

  2. In the confirmation dialog box:
    • To delete all previous versions of the file as well as the current version, select the Delete Rollback Versions option.

    • To leave previous versions on the server, deselect the Delete Rollback Versions option.

  3. Click Yes to delete the file.