can view a local folder for a Dreamweaver site
as a visual map of linked icons, called a site map.
Use the site map to add new files to a Dreamweaver site,
or to add, modify, or remove links.
The site map shows the site structure two levels deep, starting
from the home page. It shows pages as icons and displays links in
the order in which they are encountered in the source code.
Before you can display the site map, you must define a home page
for your site. The site’s home page is the starting point of the
map and can be any page in your site. You can change the home page,
the number of columns displayed, whether the icon labels display
the filename or the page title, and whether to show hidden and dependent
files. (A dependent file is an image or other non-HTML content that
the browser loads and when it loads the main page.)
working in the site map, you can select pages, open a page for editing,
add new pages to the site, create links between files, and change
page titles.
The site map is ideal for laying out a site structure. You can
set up the entire structure of the site, and then create a graphic
image of the site map.
Note: The site map applies to local sites only. To create a map
of a remote site, copy the contents of the remote site into a folder
on your local disk, then use the Manage Sites command to define
the site as a local site).
the Files panel (Window > Files), select a site from
the pop‑up menu where the current site, server, or drive appears.
- Right-click (Windows) or Control‑click (Macintosh) the
file you want to be the home page, and then select Set As Home Page.
Note: You can also set the home page in the Site Map Layout
options in the Site Definition dialog box.
- To change the home page, repeat step 2.
- In the Files panel (Window >
Files), do one of the following:
In the collapsed Files panel,
select Map View from the Site View menu.
In the expanded Files panel, click
the Site Map button in the toolbar, and then select Map Only (the
site map without the local file structure) or Map And Files (includes
the local file structure).
Note: If
you have not defined a home page, or if Dreamweaver can’t
find an index.html or index.htm page in the current site to use
as the home page, Dreamweaver prompts you
to select a home page.
- Click the plus (+) and minus (–) signs next to a filename
to show or hide pages linked below the second level:
Text displayed in red indicates a broken
Text displayed in blue and marked with a globe icon
indicates a file on another site or a special link (such as an e‑mail
or script link).
A green check mark indicates a file checked out
by you.
A red check mark indicates a file checked out by
someone else.
A lock icon indicates a file that is read-only (Windows)
or locked (Macintosh).
Use the Site Map Layout options to customize
the appearance of your site map.
- Open the Site Definition dialog box by doing one
of the following:
Select Site > Manage Sites,
choose the site, and click Edit.
In the Files panel, select Manage Sites from the
menu where the current site, server, or drive appears and click
- In the Site Definitions dialog box, select Site Map Layout
from the Category list on the left and set the options:
- Number Of Columns
Sets the number of pages to display per row in the site map
- Column Width
Sets the width, in pixels, of the site map columns.
- Icon Labels
Select whether the name displayed with the document icons
in the site map is represented as a filename or as a page title.
- Display Files Marked As Hidden
Displays HTML files you’ve marked as hidden in the site
- Display Dependent Files
Shows all dependent files in the site hierarchy.
- Click OK and then click Done.
can view the details of a specific section of a site by making a
branch the focus of the site map.
- Select the page you want to view.
- Do one of the following:
Right-click (Windows) or Control‑click
(Macintosh) in the site map and select View as Root.
In the default Files panel (Window >
Files), click the options menu in the upper-right corner, then select
View > View Map Options > View As Root.
site map is redrawn in the window as if the specified page were
at the root of the site. The Site Navigation text box above the
site map displays the path from the home page to the specified page.
Select any item in the path to view the site map from that level
by clicking once.
- To expand and contract branches in the site map, click
a branch’s plus (+) or minus (–) button.
- Do one of the following:
- Starting from a blank part of the view, drag around a
group of files to select them.
- Control‑click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh)
to select nonadjacent pages.
- Shift-click to select a range of adjacent pages.
Double-click the file, or right-click
(Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the file, and then select
Drag the file from the Windows Explorer
or the Macintosh Finder to a file in the site map, or right-click
(Windows) or Control‑click (Macintosh) the file in the site map,
and then select Link To Existing File and browse to the file.
Select a file in the site map,
or Right-click (Windows) or Control‑click (Macintosh), and then
select Link To New File.
- Enter a name, title, and text for the link, and click
Dreamweaver saves the file in the
same folder as the selected file. If you add a new file to a hidden
branch, the new file is also hidden.
- Show page titles by clicking the
options menu in the upper-right corner of the collapsed Files
panel and selecting File > Rename View >
Show Page Titles.
- Select a file in the site map and do one of the following:
Click the title and enter a new title.
Click the options menu in the upper-right corner,
then select File > Rename.
- Type the new name and press Enter (Windows) or Return
Note: When you work in the Files panel, Dreamweaver updates
all links to files whose names have changed.
Click anywhere in the site map
to deselect any files and click Refresh in the Files panel toolbar.