The Insert bar contains buttons for creating and inserting
objects such as tables, AP elements, and images. When you roll the
pointer over a button, a tooltip appears with the name of the button.
The buttons
are organized into several categories, which you can switch by clicking
the tabs along the top of the Insert bar. Additional categories
appear when the current document contains server code, such as ASP
or CFML documents. When you start Dreamweaver,
the category you were last working in opens.
Some categories have buttons with pop‑up menus. When you select
an option from a pop‑up menu, it becomes the default action for
the button. For example, if you select Image Placeholder from the
Image button’s pop‑up menu, the next time you click the Image button, Dreamweaver inserts
an image placeholder. Anytime you select a new option from the pop‑up
menu, the default action for the button changes.
The Insert bar is organized in the following categories:
- The Common category
Lets you create and insert the most commonly used objects,
such as images and tables.
- The Layout category
Lets you insert tables, div tags, frames,
and Spry widgets. You can also choose two views for tables: Standard
(default) and Expanded Tables.
- The Forms category
Contains buttons for creating forms and inserting form elements,
including Spry validation widgets.
- The Data category
Lets you insert Spry data objects as well as other dynamic elements
like recordsets, repeated regions, and record insertion and update forms.
- The Spry category
Contains buttons for building Spry pages, including Spry data
objects and widgets.
- The Text category
Lets you insert a variety of text- and list-formatting tags, such
as b, em, p, h1,
and ul.
- The Favorites category
Lets you group and organize the Insert bar buttons you use
the most in one common place.
- Server-code categories
Available only for pages that use a particular server language,
including ASP, ASP.NET, CFML Basic, CFML Flow, CFML Advanced, JSP, and
PHP. Each of these categories provides server-code objects that
you can insert in Code view.