Fill and paint attributes are attached to faces and edges of a Live Paint group—not to the actual paths that define them, as in other Illustrator objects. Because of this, some features and commands either work differently or are not applicable to paths inside a Live Paint group.
Multiple fills and strokes from the Appearance panel
Envelope Distort
Object > Hide
Object > Rasterize
Object > Slice > Make Guides
Make Opacity Mask (in the Transparency panel menu)
Brushes (You can apply brushes to an entire Live Paint group if you add a new stroke to the group using the Appearance panel.)
Gradient meshes
Symbols from the Symbols panel
Align Stroke options from the Stroke panel
The Magic Wand tool
Outline Stroke
Expand (You can use the Object > Live Paint > Expand command instead.)
Clipping Mask > Make
Crop Area > Make
Create Gradient Mesh
Pathfinder commands
File > Place
View > Guides > Make
Select > Same >Blending Mode, Fill & Stroke, Opacity, Style, Symbol Instance, or Link Block Series
Object > Text Wrap > Make