can select colors for your artwork from a variety of tools, panels,
and dialog boxes in Illustrator. How you select color depends on
the needs of your artwork. For example, if you want to use specific
company-approved colors, you’ll want to select colors from the company-approved
swatch library. If you want to match your colors with colors in
other artwork, you can use the eyedropper or the Color Picker and
enter exact color values.
You can use any of the following features for selecting color:
- Swatches panel and swatch library panels
individual colors and color groups. You can choose from preexisting
swatches and libraries or create your own. You can also import libraries.
- Color Picker
a color spectrum from which you can visually select colors, color
value text boxes for manually defining colors, and color swatches.
- Eyedropper tool
colors from your artwork when you click.
- Color panel
a color spectrum, individual color value sliders (such as a Cyan
slider), and color value text boxes. You can specify fill and stroke
colors from the Color panel. From the Color panel menu, you can
create inverse and complementary colors for the current fill or
stroke color, and create a swatch from the selected color.
- Color Guide panel
several harmony rules to choose from for creating color groups using
a base color that you choose. You can create variations of colors
using tints and shades, warm and cool colors, or vivid and muted
colors. From the Color Guide panel you can open a color group in
the Live Color dialog box.
- Live Color dialog box
tools for precisely defining or adjusting the colors in a color
group or artwork. You can also recolor your artwork using the colors
from the color group, or reduce or convert your colors for output.
- Add Selected Colors command or New Color Group button
Create a new color group containing the colors in selected
artwork. This command and button are both located in the Swatches