Graphs can be formatted in a variety of ways. For example, you can change the appearance and position of the graph’s axes, add drop shadows, move the legend, and combine different graph types. You can view the formatting options for a graph by selecting a graph with the Selection tool and choosing Object > Graph > Type.
You can also manually customize your graph in numerous ways. You can change the colors of shading; change the typeface and type style; move, reflect, shear, rotate, or scale any or all parts of the graph; and customize column and marker designs. You can apply transparency, gradients, blends, brush strokes, graphic styles, and other effects to graphs. You should always apply these types of changes last, because regenerating the graph will remove them.
Keep in mind that a graph is a grouped object that is related to its data. Never ungroup the graph; if you do, you cannot change the graph. To edit a graph, select the parts you want to edit without ungrouping the graph, using either the Direct Selection tool or the Group Selection tool.
It is also important to understand how elements of a graph are related. The entire graph with its legends is one group. All the sets of data are a subgroup of the graph; in turn, each set of data with its legend box is a subgroup of all the sets of data. Each value is a subgroup of its set of data, and so on. Never ungroup or regroup objects that are within the graph.